Impact through inclusivity
我们支持帮助服务欠缺的社区取得成功的项目和政策. We know that building a stronger, 惠及所有人的更具包容性的经济是对人民有益的, business and society.
Advancing Black Pathways
Advancing Hispanics & Latinos
Office of Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs
Office of LGBTQ+ Affairs
利用我们的资源为LGBTQ+员工提供公平和包容, businesses, customers and communities.
Military & Veterans Affairs
表彰服役军人,定位军人, 退伍军人和他们的家庭为长期的个人成功和经济信心.
Office of Disability Inclusion
在全球范围内推动促进和增强残疾人权能的举措——从招聘开始, hiring, and advancement through to retirement.
Women on the Move
帮助创造一个更加公平的未来,使妇女能够实现经济福祉, grow their skills and advance their careers.